Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 18 - June 4

Monday: Off
Tuesday: 2.5 mile run home from work
Wednesday: 7 mile awesome run to and from VM. At the gym i did a one hour session of TRX with Tony the torture chamber & Spin with john. Both were great even though i have not had any sugar or carb in two days. Felt great overall at the end of the day.
Thursday: 5 mile run to and from work 48 minutes
Friday: Walked to and from work 5 miles
Saturday: OFF
Sunday: 2.5 miles back home from work.

               Running: 17 miles 
               Walk/Hike: 5 miles 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Monday June 11 - Sunday June 17

Monday: Ran to my bank 10 miles, first 5 miles at a 7:30 minute mile pace and finished with an average 9:50 minute mile pace. I also stopped at the gym for a 30 minute stretch before running back home.
Tuesday: Ran to the shop up the top of the hill and back home. 3.5 miles to coffee shop and 2.5 back both at moderate to fast speed. Total 6 miles.
Wednesday: Boot camp, no spin tonight. Boot was an hour long with Tony the torture chamber tonight with lots of burpies, push-ups, and sit-ups to warm up and a circuit to finish. Very challenging but rewarding workout tonight. I must add that i had a 2.5 hour dynamic workout before boot camp tonight. I did some sideway shuffles with the two rubber bands on my legs, lunges from one side of the room to the other, did some leg curls laying on my back legs on a giant ball and curling the ball back and i also did some donkey kicks on a machine. I did a couple sets of each of these and i also did a lot of different dynamic stretches. Good day overall.
Thursday: 3 mile walk home from the coffee shop, i felt a little tired and sore from my workout yesterday. A walk is better than hitting the couch.
Friday: Ran to and from the shop, 5 miles around 25 minutes.
Saturday: Started TRX at VM this morning with a full hour with John. It felt a bit difficult, i felt a lot of pain throughout the class from most of the exercises. Is early to figure out how and if TRX is going to help me in my running. At this point i think that any workout i get at the gym is welcomed. I feel lucky to have found a place where i feel i belong and feel at my element. John and all the staff have been awesome and Veronica, Shirley, and Korina have been an inspiration every day. They all have motivated me in a different way to push myself to the limit. Spin was also a full hour and it felt composed. I don't know if John was taking it easy on us or if i was having one of those days. We did do a set of the 30 second sprints that totally drains me. The sweating was also amazing as i soaked my shirt and a pair of other garment. Great day, and an amazing week. Feel like i will arrive to Marine Ultra Trail in a great form.
Sunday: Off

                  Running: 21 miles
                  Biking: 0 miles
                  Gym: 1 boot camp, 1 TRX, 1 spin, 2.5 hour dynamic workout
                  Walk/hike: 3 mile

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Monday June 4 - Sunday June 10

Monday: Fasting
Tuesday: Fasting
Wednesday: Boot & spin, struggled. Felt a bit weak.
Thursday: Ran to work 2.5 miles.
Friday: Ran to work, 2.5 miles.
Saturday: Boot & spin, felt a bit fatigued at the beginning with lactic acid on my quads based on the pain the first 15 minutes. After 15 minutes i felt strong and finished strong. Walked to Bernie's, 2 miles.
Sunday: Off

                           Running: 5 miles
                           Biking: 0 miles 
                           Gym: 2 boot camps, 2 spin, 
                           Walk/hike: 2 miles

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Monday May 28 - Sunday June 3

Monday: Hike & light run with Karla at Muir Beach, about 3 miles.
Tuesday: Ran to VM, 3.5 miles in 31 minutes, and had a couple of adductors stretches. Afternoon run from Berney's to home, 2.5 miles 22 minutes.
Wednesday: Boot & spin with Tony and his torture chamber. Tony was off his head today, had an intense workout. John was very demanding as well, asked for a minute sprints standing up on the bike but it was actually 2 minutes long. That was so intense but it will get me closer to my potential for my next race.
Thursday: Off
Friday: Ran to VM, 3.5 miles and had a 1.5 hour workout with a 18 minute bike warm-up targeting heart rate, leg press, glut workout on machine, dynamic stretch and a full adductor stretch in between workouts.
Saturday: Off, for some reason i felt exhausted. Don't know if it was from yesterday's workout or from boot camp on Wednesday. I did have an extremely hard boot camp and spin wednesday night and my workout yesterday always drains me out. Met Adan's dad after work for a drink.
Sunday: Off

                       Running: 6
                       Biking: 0 miles
                       Gym: 1 Boot camp, 1 spin, 1.5 hour weigh training
                       Walk/hike: 2