Monday: Wanting to go for a light cardio run to get the blood flowing for recovering i went for a half an hour run that started from the house and made it to the CCSF Track. Either the mile from home to the track or wearing the Cascadia shoes had a negative effect. At minute 18, starting from the house, i started to feel sharp pain in my lateral side of my right ankle a bit towards my achilles tendon. I immediately stopped and had a short stretch and called it a night. Went home wondering if it was caused because i was wearing different shoes from the ones i wear for running nowadays or because of the impact of running on the pavement from home to the track.
Tuesday: Had a 30 minute run this morning at the CCSF Track. Did not feel too much pain or sharp pain at all. I was wearing my Montrail shoes and was surprised to see that i did not experience pain at all. Not sure of the pavement impact. I will think about experimenting running on my Montrail shoes from home to the track to find out what was bothering me yesterday. Interesting stuff.
Wednesday: Good full day of work at Marin County Parks. 3 mile run with San Francisco Running Company. Felt good out there.
Thursday: Off
Friday: Marin County Parks full day of work.
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off
Felt a bit off after the run on Wednesday. Don't know what is up, i felt weak all week after that.
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